Stress Testing

What is Stress Testing?

Stress testing in IT is a type of performance testing used to evaluate how a system or application performs under extreme conditions beyond its normal operational capacity. It involves subjecting the system to high loads, heavy traffic, or resource limitations to identify its breaking points, measure its stability, and determine its ability to recover gracefully. Stress testing helps uncover weaknesses, bottlenecks, and potential failure points in the system, allowing for improvements to be made before deployment to production.

Stress Testing vs. Load Testing

Both load testing and stress tests simulate a high level of traffic to see how the applications and systems respond. The difference is in the purpose and objectives.

Load Testing:

  • Purpose: Load testing simulates normal or expected user loads (including high peak loads) on a system to evaluate its performance under typical usage conditions.
  • Objective: The objective of load testing is to assess how the system handles the anticipated workload, measure response times, throughput, and resource utilization, and ensure that performance meets predefined criteria.

Stress Testing:

  • Purpose: Stress testing involves subjecting a system to extreme or beyond-normal loads to evaluate its behavior and performance under such conditions.
  • Objective: The objective of stress testing is to identify the system's breaking points, measure its stability, and understand how it recovers from failures or abnormal conditions.

Load tests are primarily designed to ensure that user expectations, such as Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract conditions, are met. Stress tests aim to determine how a system would behave under an extreme load, such as a DDoS attack, and determine a maximum limit rather than identify bottlenecks, to aid disaster and extreme event planning.

Stress Testing vs. Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring is often confused with stress testing because they appear to be similar. However, there are key differences between these technologies.

Synthetic monitoring emulates a single user to check how the target application is performing. Availability and response times are key metrics collected. Synthetic monitoring is often deployed in production and its goal is to minimize any overhead on the target application and avoid impacting real users who may also be using the system.

On the other hand, stress testing is normally deployed in staging/test environments. The goal of stress testing is to understand the performance and capacity limits of the target application. Therefore, stress testing simulates multiple user sessions to an application and measures the performance of the application as the stress test load increases. The result of stress testing indicates the max number of concurrent user sessions that can be supported by the existing application configuration without negative effects on users, performance or reliability.

Stress Testing vs. Performance Monitoring

In contrast to stress testing which evaluates a system's robustness and resilience under extreme conditions, pushing it beyond its normal operational capacity to identify its breaking point; Performance testing assesses how a system performs under normal conditions, measuring factors such as response time, throughput, and resource utilization to optimize efficiency and enhance user experience.